Friday, April 04, 2008

Arcade Season 3 Now On Demand

Arcade Season Premiere
Now On Demand :

We’ve got a brand new set, gave our monster arcade machine a facelift, moved out to LA, and are ready to bring you the best in gaming every week. Uber gamer and chic geek Rob has not slept in weeks, well; actually Rob doesn’t sleep because when he is not at work he playing video games all night long.

There are a lot of places to go to find out about the new games, gadgets, tricks, cheats, …etc Rob can bring all of that to you in one place.

This week’s premier features some segments you know and love and some that are brand new. For starters, we have the Video Game Report. Rob reviews Devil May Cry 4 and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

A little insight from the mind of Rob…." Super Smash Bros. Brawl... this game is amazing. I love it!!! I have made my way through the single player side-scrolling adventure mode entitled The Subspace Emissary. I was blown away to discover how deep this game mode actually was…."
To find out more you have to watch it HERE

We also have an amazing Grudge Match of the Arcade fellas playing Fifa 08. Does Rob prove he is a top gamer? Watch here to see who takes the win.

Finally we are introducing a new segment to you all called the War Room. There are plenty of things to be excited about in the world of gaming and still other things that gamers absolutely hate. This is the place where the arcade team vents their frustration about the hot topics in the gaming world. Think ESPN’s round the horn...Take-Two Deems EA’s Offer Inadequate Again. Midway CEO leaves or is let go? Can Midway rebound? Gibson files suit against and EA/Harmonix. Who is coming out on top when the smoke clears? Watch now and see what we have to say.

Watch Arcade on Demand

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